Lady Bugs

Asian Lady Beetle

9-spotted Lady Bug
Ladybugs (also known as ladybird beetles) fall in the "beneficial" category of insect and are probably the best known and most valued of the beetle family. Ladybugs eat aphids, which eat crops and garden plants and are a nuisance to the gardener. There are many different species of ladybugs, with unique "spotting" patterns.
The Asian Lady Beetle, a close cousin to the Ladybug, is relatively new to North America. The beetle is native to Asia , where it lives in trees and fields, preying on aphids and scale insects. During the 1960s to 1990s, the U.S. Department of Agriculture attempted to establish the Asian lady beetle to control agricultural pests, especially for pecans and apples. The beetle has expanded its range to much of the U.S. and parts of Canada, including the North Okanagan. The Asian lady beetle can be identified by an M-shaped marking just behind its head.
Asian lady beetles are a frequent cause of complaints due to their large numbers in the fall while they look for places to spend the winter. Attracted to homes and buildings with sunny exposures, they will cluster on outside walls and eventually work their way indoors through cracks and openings. Their sheer numbers make them a serious nuisance for some homeowners. Once inside, they get confused and tend to gather on walls, ceilings, and around windows looking for an exit. Larger numbers can be expected in late winter or early spring when they come out of their hiding spots to mate. When attempting to eradicate the ladybugs, they can exude an oil substance that stains carpets and window sidings.
While many people believe ladybugs don’t bite, some of them do. In Canada, the Asian lady beetle does in fact bite. It has been likened to the bite to a “light prick” — not as bad as a bee sting but not pleasant either.
If Asian Lady Beetles have become a problem where you are, schedule an appointment with QFI Pest Control. Check out our monthly protection program options for year-round pest control.
***Please note that QFI Pest Control does not have Lady Bugs for purchase.
If you are looking to purchase Lady Bugs, please contact your local nursery***
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